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This page was created to display current orders, links and memorandums involving Socially Distant Services.  We also, regularly post updates on our FaceBook page at Clerk of Court Facebook

State Court Misdemeanor Schedule

Misdemeanor Traffic Schedule effective during Judicial emergency****REVISED****

Order Terminating Emergency Misdemeanor Traffic and Game/Fish Offense Schedule 


In an effort to reduce the number of people coming to the Justice Center, Chief State Court Judge Alan Jordan has reduced traffic offenses by 15% during the duration of the state of emergency.  The 15% reduction ONLY applies if the traffic fine is paid PRIOR to the court date on your citation.  We have options for paying prior to your court date, that does NOT involve coming to the Justice center.  YOu can mail your payments with a money order to: State Court, 90 North Street, Canton, GA 30114 or you can pay online by visiting Cherokee County Online Traffic Payments Or you can call 678.493.6550.

Below is a copy of the Traffic Fine Schedule, some offenses that previously were "MUST SEE JUDGE" are now payable at a reduced rate.


TPO information

If you need assistance filing an emergency pleading, please call 678.493.6511 and we will assist you.

If you need a TPO, you can also call the Family Violence Center at 770.479.1703 or 1.800.33.HAVEN for filing assistance.


Superior State and Magistrate Court Electronic filing and Docket Search

To efile in Cherokee County Superior Court Criminal and Civil, State Court Criminal and Civil and Magistrate Civil visit  Efile Ga


To view and purchase efiled records for Georgia Counties using Tyler as their efile service provider visit Research-Efiled Records

To view and purchase public records for cases filed in Cherokee County Superior, State and Magistrate Court (e-filed or paper filed) visit Docket Search

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